Identification of a few words in an audio recording

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Mar 31, 2014
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Please help me to correct my mistakes in the transcript of this short voice recording. It's a part of the audio track from a TV documentary:

I haven't left any blank spaces, but the parts in red are very doubtful. They are just what I could hear, but it makes little sense.

"I was a... (that's outside of the recording)
young boy in prison, looking for somebody that lies(?)
and Johnny Cash was really that guy and someone/something? that he identified with the prisoners there,

always chewing gum; I can remember his chewing gum. That sort that he nearly got look about him?
He'd look over to the guards chew gum at 'em. This big, tall guy was sort of a somber attitude,
and sort of a neighbor linking with the guitar(?), you know"

looking for somebody to idolise
somehow or other
had a sort of an arrogant look about him
this big tall guy with sort of a sombre attitude
sort of an Abe Lincoln with a guitar

Thank you very much!
I've got just one more request - later part of the same interview:

"We felt like he cared about us; (and then) he was honest with us,
and he was playing that kind of music that was... it was from your raw soil (or soul?)
but it wasn't necessarily just country music and it was coming out of the same area,
the same place that Elvis came out of."
In my opinion definitely "soil", not "soul", based purely on the phonics. But apart from the phonics, this also fits with the country theme.

By the way, I don't think it is necessarily "your raw". More probably it is simply "the raw."
(and then) he was honest with us,

Not "and then". Probably "nthat", i.e. "and that". Perhaps simply "that".
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