[Grammar] I would like to ask for help regarding grammatical questions

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Szász Bálint

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Jan 11, 2016
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I would like to ask for help, if you are free today after 19:00, please write me a PM.

There are 40 different grammatical questions, now I'm not asking you to solve these questions for me (they are from a previous test which i failed) and I would like someone to enlighten me on each one. Now, I am not available but tonight if you have the time I would really appreciate it if you could help me with these questions, they are rather difficult for me and I would like you to explain the grammatical rules regarding each one. :oops:

I'll leave a question or two here so you will see what kind of help I need.

Which of the following sentences contains a participle ?
- I found hanging out with her scary.
- I found her reading a book on the sofa.
- I like reading a book.
- Reading books is fun.

Find the stentence that contains the verb "stay" in subjunctive mood.
- He should stay here.
- They have demanded that she stay here.
- Will she stay here after all?
- They have never believed that this is where I stay.

(there are 4 possible answers always)

Thanks to anyone, in advance! It shouldn't take more time than half an hour.
When do you have to resubmit this work to your tutor?
On Wednesday in the morning. :)
I'm sorry. We don't help with school assignments.
Okay as I see I did not make myself clear enough..

This WAS a test with these 40 given questions, and I failed it.

On wednesday I am going to have another test from this subject but with different questions of course. This is a university exam, not some kind of high school stuff, it is not homework.

But I did write this, "There are 40 different grammatical questions, now I'm not asking you to solve these questions for me (they are from a previous test which i failed" !!!!

and not that this is a homework.

All I wanted was to understand the grammar behind the questions, and see why did i fail.
If that is the case, the answer to your first question is #2, The rest of the -ing words are gerunds.
The answer to your second question is #2. Notice that the verb "stay" follows "she". In the indicative, that would be "stays".
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