I wonder if you can call my mom to tell her... vs. I was wondering if you could call

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Mar 4, 2010
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I wonder if you can call her to tell her... vs. I was wondering if you could call her...
Is it grammatically correct to say the first sentence? Also, is there a great difference between the two?
Thank you in advance.
I wonder if you can call her to tell her... vs. I was wondering if you could call her...
Is it grammatically correct to say the first sentence? Also, is there a great difference between the two?
Thank you in advance.

"Calling someone" and "calling someone to tell her something" are different. Do you have any context for us?
It is a story about a girl who forgot to charge her cell phone, and now is asking a friend to call her mother to tell her everything is O.K. (she can't call her mother from her cell phone since it is dead).
It is a story about a girl who forgot to charge her cell phone, and now is asking a friend to call her mother to tell her everything is O.K. (she can't call her mother from her cell phone since it is dead).

In that context, both of your originals are OK. The only difference between "can" and "could" is that "could" is considered more polite.
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