I want to be a normal kid who

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Mar 4, 2019
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English Teacher
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What’s the difference between these two sentences, and which one is correct?

1. I want to be a normal kid who can walk, run, and jump.
2. I want to be a normal kid, who can walk, run, and jump

I think it's a very hard question that needs to be answered by people who know English grammar very well.

Please tell me what you think about it.
@Chien Te Lu Are you the person who asked this question on Word Reference? If so, what did you not understand about the multiple responses there?
Please don't ask the same question on two forums simultaneously. If you post on another forum and are confused by or dissatisfied with the answers there, you can post here but you must provide a link to the other forum and explain why you're asking us as well.
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