I usually get a vicarious sensation…


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Aug 8, 2010
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I was trying to answer the IELTS question “ Do you watch people playing video games?” with the italic sentence as an answer.

I usually get a vicarious sensation by watching people playing video games online.

Is it natural to say that?

The intended meaning is “When I watch others play computer games, I get a vicarious sensation, makes me feel like I am myself playing the games. I don’t play though”
No, it's not natural. We usually only use the adverb "vicariously."
No, it's not natural. We usually only use the adverb "vicariously."
How can I say it if I use "vicariously"?

Can I say "I play video games vicariously by watching [people playing] them online"? But what confuses me is that I don't play video games, and the question is do you watch others play video games.
Yes, you play them vicariously.
I think you're thinking too much. It's not a fallacy unless you ignore what "vicariously" means.

"Vicariously" means you are doing the thing indirectly, through the experiences of others.

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