I sent him the book to write a review [on].

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navi tasan

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Nov 19, 2002
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Which is correct:
1) I sent him the book to write a review.
2) I sent him the book to write a review on.

I know that the rule that says: "Sentences that end wiht prepositions should be frowned upon." is not valid.

I am not sure that '1' doesn't have the absurd meaning that the book is to write a review.
Which is correct:
1) I sent him the book to write a review.
2) I sent him the book to write a review on.
I think the second sentence is OK. Another way to put it would be 'I sent him the book on which to write a review'.
Use #2 or say, "I sent him the book so he could write a review on it."
Which is correct?

1) I sent him the book to write a review.
2) I sent him the book to write a review on.

I know that the rule that says no colon "Sentences that end wiht with prepositions should be are frowned upon no full stop" is not valid. I am not sure that '1' doesn't have the absurd meaning that the book is to write a review.
Note my corrections and comments above. If it's not important to make it clear that it's a written review, I'd say "I sent him the book to review".
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