I plan on continuing my education beyond bachelor's degree.

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Senior Member
Apr 12, 2017
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Pashto, Pushto
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United States
Could you please check these sentences?

I plan on continuing my education beyond bachelor's degree. In other words, I want to pursue a university degree in a foreign institution and then improve my career prospects.

I plan on continuing my education beyond bachelor's degree. In other words, I want to pursue a university degree in a foreign institution so that I can improve my career prospects.
I would use "beyond bachelor's degree level" or "beyond my/the bachelor's degree."
"In other words, I want to pursue a university degree in a foreign institution to improve my career prospects." As I read it, studying for the advanced degree is improving your career prospects. You don't intend doing one and then the other.

As I read it, studying for the advanced degree is improving your career prospects. You don't intend doing one and then the other.

Thanks Raymott. I didn't know what you mean by stating sentence above.
Thanks Raymott. I didn't know what you mean by stating sentence above.
I mean that you don't improve your job prospects after you study. You improve your job prospects by studying. I repeat: studying is improving your job prospects. They occur together.

Both of your sentences imply that you are going to do a post-graduate degree, and then, once that is completed, you are somehow going to improve your job prospects. Unless you mean that the study is meant to improve your job prospects, you give no indication of how you are going to improve your job prospects.

Note that words in italics are emphasized.
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