I ordered this equipment in May last year (or last year in May)?


Junior Member
Aug 25, 2014
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The question is where does 'in' fit well, with May or with Last Year
Where is the sentence?
You can say either "last year in May" or "in May (of) last year". The "of" is optional.
In future, please write the sentence in the main body of the post.
1 - I ordered this equipment in May last year.
2 - I ordered this equipment last year in May.

are both 1 and 2 correct?
1 - I ordered this equipment in May last year. ✅
2 - I ordered this equipment last year in May. Grammatically correct but not as natural as 1.

Are both 1 and 2 correct?
See above. Neither one is as natural as "I ordered this equipment in May 2022". I realise now that my suggestion of "last May" could be ambiguous - it could mean "May 2023" (literally the last May that happened) or "May 2022" (May of last year).

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