I needn't have been

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Mike Hussey

May 12, 2020
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Jordan was arrested for stock fraud:

Jordan: When we arrived at the prison, I was absolutely terrified. But I needn't have been. You see, for a brief fleeting moment, I 'd forgotten I was rich.

What does "needn't have been" mean?

Source: The Wolf of Wall Street (a 2013 American biographical black comedy crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Terence Winter)
He thought prison would be horrible for someone like him, then he remembered he was rich. He wasn't a rich boy with something to fear- he was rich and had options and choices.
Would you have understood it more readily if it had said "When we arrived at the prison, I was terrified, but I didn't need to be" or "... but there was no need"?
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