I need to move on

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Aug 12, 2009
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I have sent an email to a potential buyer about the price of my product. He is still considering and not yet reply me. Now I want to send another email to him so I can have a conclusion, and "move on" (not sure if correct usage), sell to another person, lower the price, or use myself.

I intend to write the email with the ending sentences like:
This is already the cheapest price on the market. Let me know your thoughts. I need to move on.

I am not sure if the sentence with "move on" sounds appropriate. Please advise. Thanks.
It's rather rude.
Please let me know if you are still interested so I know whether or not I can move on to other interested customers.
Can I say:
Please let me know if you are still interested as I might have other plans.
I'd say

'This is already the cheapest price on the market. I can only hold it for another two days.'

I don't call that rude; if he thinks it is — tough. He's being rude by not replying to you. Business is business.
I don't find this one rude.
Is it ok to say:

A) Please let me know if you are interested so I can proceed with other plans.

B) Please let me know if you are interested so I can proceed to other plans.

C) Please let me know if you are interested so I can move on with other plans.

D) Please let me know if you are interested so I can move on to other plans.
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Should 'proceed with' be replaced with 'go on to' in the above sentence if the intended meaning is 'proceed to carry out'?

Not a teacher.
Is it ok to say:

A) Please let me know if you are interested so I can proceed with other plans.

B) Please let me know if you are interested so I can proceed to other plans.

C) Please let me know if you are interested so I can move on with other plans.

D) Please let me know if you are interested so I can move on to other plans.

Please help. Thanks.
not a teacher

I might write something like this.
"Please let me know if you are interested or not, so I can consider other offers."

This lets your customer know that he is not necessarily the only potential buyer.
He doesn't need to know that you might have plans other than selling.
not a teacher

I might write something like this.
"Please let me know if you are interested or not, so I can consider other offers."

This lets your customer know that he is not necessarily the only potential buyer.
He doesn't need to know that you might have plans other than selling.

"so I can consider other offers" seems a bit illogical for my case. Since I am selling the product, I will always consider anyone who have a better offer at anytime as I did not promise to sell to the potential buyer. I mean I wanted to know if the potential buyer will buy, if the potential buyer does not want to buy, I may do other plans like offer some discount, place more ads...
not a teacher

The point I'm making is that the customer you are corresponding with does not need to know about your various plans or options, they are none of his business. All you are trying to do is get him to reply to you with a 'yes' or 'no'. By suggesting that you might have other offers you are encouraging him to make up his mind or he will lose his opportunity to buy.
Possibly: "If you are not interested, please let me know as I can then consider other options".
I'd still give the customer a deadline.

'I can only hold this price till Thursday/for two more days.'
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