I need help with my text

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VIP Member
Mar 1, 2008
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Bosnia Herzegovina
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This text is a part of a short story, which I am still writing. It is mostly about the war between the Serbs and Croats in the 1990s. In this part a Serb soldier ponders about the war. Would you please correct my mistakes and help me with these sentences so that they sound natural?

Some weeks later, we were involved in skirmishes with the Croatian army, which was not a proper army at that time, but rather loose groups of volunteers like ourselves. This was not an ordinary warfare, where two armies fought along clear frontlines and abided by the Geneva Convention. Our war was barbaric and cruel, fought according to the rules of hatred. One village fought against another, neighbour against another, former colleagues against each other. There was no difference between soldiers and civilians; everyone was a target, even babies who understood nothing and clung to their mothers as a bullet or a piece of shrapnel shuttered their skulls.
shuttered - shattered

a short story which I am still writing

ponders - thinks about


It was not ordinary warfare....


One village fought against another, neighbor against neighbor,, former colleagues against each other.


a piece of shrapnel shattered their skulls
I would say:

It was not conventional warfare with uniformed armies representing nation states fighting each other.
Bassim, what is the title going to be? Also, you haven't posted the last installment of the last one, have you? Or did I miss it?
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