I need help by this text

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Mar 29, 2017
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I am a Norwegian boy and i need help whit this text, because i will get a important grade for this work. Can you see something that i writed wrong?
Its important when you see something wrong that you say it to me. Thanks for answer.

Two and a half Men (whit Charlie Harper)
I cause Two and a half Men because it`s one of my favorite series, it is funny, interesting and hit my humor. The sitcom is in Malibu, where Charlie Harper lives alone in a big house. One day came his brother Alan whit his son Jake because Alans divorces. He asked for to sleep over for a pair of nights, but it change to 7 years. Charlie never liked it that Alan lived by him, but he pretended him to live there.
The mother of Charlie and Alan, Evelyn was not afraid of her sons. She favored Charlie and uses a strange method to treat her sons, the brothers attempted to avoid interacting with her on most occasions.
Charlie Harper lived a freewheeling life but Alan complicates it. Charlie’s housekeeper Berta was not thrilled about Alan, she talk much sh*t to him and protested about to wash Jakes underwear. Jake the son of Alan was not a really intelligent and clean boy, he have a really low grades and eating a lot. After many relationships from Alan, meets him the mother of Jakes friend. Alan and the mother of jakes friend whit name Lyndsey tried to hold it secret, but gradually manage them to find out that it is more than a friendship. Alan manages to ruin a god relationship and is alone to the end of the series.
Charlie was a big playboy, but after many one-night-stands came he in a relationship whit Chelsea. Charlie was in love, but he being unfaithful to Chelsea. Chelsea gets angry and ended the relationship.
He was tired for a very long time, Charlie`s stalker Rose used that chance to get him back. Rose started a fake wedding to get him jealous. Her plan goes successful and Charlie starts an affair whit Rose. Charlie gets feelings for her, and will get her back. He asked Rose for a Marriage application and she says yes, after the marriage flies the pair to Paris for a weekend getaway. There caught she him under the shower whit another women, one day later gets he slipped in front of a train. The family never believed Rose; they believe that she pushed him in front of the train.
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Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this. The forum rules clearly show that we cannot help with homework, assignments or any writing that will be graded. You must write your piece as well as you can without any help. Your teacher wants to see what you can do. Your teacher does not want to see a piece of writing written by us! If you submit a piece of work you have written yourself, your teacher will be able to see where your strengths and weaknesses are and help you accordingly.

After you get your essay and your grade back from your teacher, you can come back to us if there are any comments or corrections that you don't understand.

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