I heard the city museum was open(ed) to the public last month.

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Oct 21, 2014
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I heard the city museum was open to the public last month.

This sentence is what I heard in the recording for a dialogue of the listening test from the English test paper, senior high school entrance exams, Henan province, China, 2021.

It’s pity that I wasn’t able to upload the recording.

“Open” is what I heard but I think it should be “opened” to make sense.

What do you say?

This is the whole dialogue I heard.

Hi, Peter. The weekend is finally here. Got any plans?
Yeah. What about seeing a film tomorrow?
What's on?
In the earth.
Oh, I have seen it already. I heard the city museum was open to the public last month. Would you like to go with me?
Good idea! It is a wonderful place to visit. There are a lot to see in it.
Great? When and where shall we meet?
It opens at nine o'clock in the morning. Let's meet at eight thirty in front of the museum.
OK. See you then.
See you.
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I think it should be “opened” to make sense.
I agree, though the speaker may well have said 'opened. The /d/ could have been released laterally.

The film title should have been Italicised.
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"It's [a] pity that I wasn't able to upload the recording."

Do you mean "download"?
In that brief context/reference:
"...was open..." = a general reference that it was and has been open for some indefinite time (without "last month").
"...was opened" = at some specific time. "last month"
The pronunciation of the following phrases is almost identical:

was open to the public
was opened to the public
The "_ed" is meant to be subtly pronounced and is hardly discernible.
Hi, Tarheel.

I mean attaching the recording file from my computer.

Since this forum was updated, I can only use the typing function.
You tried to upload something to the website, but you couldn't do it?
Yes, I tried to upload the recording to the forum in my post, but failed.
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