I have never tried strawberries

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Mar 26, 2023
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Hey, I don't understand the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple in experience meaning
Like, we can say
'I have never tried strawberries'
and in the same time we can say
I never walked around Rome on holiday
It means, when we had opportunity to do it and we didn't do it we use Past Simple? Or how does it work?
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Hey, I don't understand the difference between present perfect and past simple in experience meaning.
Like, we can say
'I have never tried strawberries'
and in the same time we can say
I never walked around Rome on holiday
It means, when we had the opportunity to do it, but we didn't do should we use past simple? Or how does it work?
I can't say "I have never tried strawberries." (Well, I can, but it wouldn't be true.)

More natural would be: "I have never been to Rome on holiday."

Which tense you use depends on what you want to say.
I never walked around Rome on holiday
You'd only say this in a very specific situation.

Let's say you're going to Rome and you tell your friends everything you're going to do there, including walking a lot around the city.
You might come back and say "I saw all the sights, but I took taxis and public transport everywhere. I never walked around, and I wish I had."

I've never walked around Rome on holiday.
Let's say you're speaking to someone who's just returned from Rome.
That person says "I had a wonderful time in Rome. I walked everywhere and I had a lot of interesting experiences".
You might reply, "I've been to Rome a few times, but I've never walked around the city. I always took taxis."

I've never tried strawberries.
This means you've never eaten strawberries.

I never tried strawberries.
You'd say this in a specific situation. "I went to England and I wish I'd had the strawberries there. I never tried them there. I've only eaten strawberries at home in Russia."
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Hey, Unnecessary

I don't understand the difference between the present perfect and the past simple in experience meaning when talking about experiences.

For example, we can say 'I have never tried strawberries' and in the same time we can also say 'I never walked around Rome on holiday'.
It means, When we had the/an opportunity to do it something and we didn't do it, do we use the past simple? Or If not, how does it work?
Please note my corrections above.
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