I hadn't made a decision on/didn't make a decision on


May 4, 2015
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Native Language
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Czech Republic
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Czech Republic
Hello all :)

Context situation - Andy Murray press conference:
Q. Andy, you said a few weeks ago about whether this was going to be your last year, et cetera, getting through the summer and whatnot, but is it getting frustrating and a bit boring for that question coming up press conference after press conference?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, yeah. I feel like no one is listening to me (laughter). I mean, yeah, I'm planning on finishing in the summer. I don't know what more I can – yeah, I don't know what more I'm supposed to say. I've been getting asked about it for, yeah, 18 months or so, and it's obviously something I have thought about, but, you know, I hadn't made a decision on.

This is what AM said. However, I am curious to know if it was possible to change it to:

ANDY MURRAY: Well, yeah. I feel like no one is listening to me (laughter). I mean, yeah, I'm planning on finishing in the summer. I don't know what more I can – yeah, I don't know what more I'm supposed to say. I've been getting asked about it for, yeah, 18 months or so, and it's obviously something I have thought about, but, you know, I didn't make a decision on.

To me, the original example sounds much better. Grammar wise, the other one should be possible as well - I just can't imagine the difference between the two - what does the latter one convey?

Thank you!

Any ideas? :) To make the context clear...when AM was asked this question, the reporter aas well as AM knew AM wouldn't be playing past this summer. He is still playing but has decided to retire later this season.
The original is correct. Each time he was asked the question, he hadn't [at that time] made a decision.
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