I didn't have enough time, however, I read the book till the end.

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Junior Member
Aug 3, 2023
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Slovak Republic
This sentence is from a handbook:
' I didn't have enough time, however, I read the book till the end.'
(no context provided)
They obviously meant 'was pressed for time'.

My question is, how could this person read the book till the end if he didn't have enough time (for it???) ?
This sentence is from a handbook:
You need to provide the title and author.
'I didn't have enough time. However, I read the book till the end.'
Note my corrections to the punctuation and spacing.
(No context provided.)
There must be context. The handbook must be about something!
They obviously meant 'was pressed for time'.
It's not obvious to me.
My question is, how could this person read the book till the end if he didn't have enough time (for it)?
That's a good question. However, you're assuming "the end" refers to the end of the book. It could be the end of something else. Nonetheless, it's a fairly meaningless statement.
Maybe he/she would have liked to have more time to read the book more thoroughly. In other words, the sentence suggests that he/she managed to finish reading the book despite a lack of time.
Maybe he/she would have liked to have more time to read the book more thoroughly. In other words, the sentence suggests that he/she managed to finish reading the book despite a lack of time.
What's the probability of such interpretation?
I am asking because I KNOW that the non-native teacher who created this exercise ('use "However' to join the sentences : 'I didn't have enough time. I read the book till the end.') without any context meant this piece of text to convey this idea: 'I was pressed for time, and had to cut down on other planned activities' .
@Uncanny Before we continue, please provide the title and author of the handbook. This is a legal requirement.
Quoted from a text quoted on znanija.com without any references. You can ask the poster there about the title and the author.
This is insufficient information for us to work on. I am closing this thread.
You can ask the poster there about the title and the author.
It's not up to us to find out the title and author. You need to do that before you post someone else's words here.
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