I changed the path of the directory in which notes are stored.

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Feb 24, 2015
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Which one of these is correct and sound more natural?

1. I changed the directory in which notes are stores.
2. I changed the path of the directory in which notes are stored.
3. I changed the directory path in which notes are stored.

By changing the directory path I mean that the notes previously were stored in a folder at a specific location (on the C hard drive inside the "My Documents" folder) then later I changed the path to the "Notes" folder.
I'd say only your first sentence fits the context you provided.
Of the three, the first one is the best, but it's not the most natural way. We usually talk about 'moving' a file, so I'd say something like "I moved the notes to a new directory' or even 'I moved the notes to a new folder.'
Of the three, the first one is the best, but it's not the most natural way. We usually talk about 'moving' a file, so I'd say something like "I moved the notes to a new directory' or even 'I moved the notes to a new folder.'
Thank you. I need it in the context of a computer program (code). In that context, I don't think moving sounds natural. I basically changed a variable that had a path assigned to it. Sorry for not being clear enough from the beginning.
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Is it okay to use "kept" instead of "stored"?

I changed the directory in which notes are kept.
Which one of these is correct and sounds more natural?

1. I changed the directory in which notes are stored.
2. I changed the path of the directory in which notes are stored.
3. I changed the directory path in which notes are stored.

Context: By "changing the directory path", I mean that the notes were previously were stored in a folder at a specific location (on the C hard drive inside the "My Documents" folder) then but later I changed the path moved them to the "Notes" folder.
Note my changes above.

I agree with Barque that sentence #1 sounds best of those three. However, depending on your audience, you might want to make it more jargon-free.
I moved the notes from the "My Documents" folder to the "Notes" folder.
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