I appreaciate your/you helping me

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Rachel Adams

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Nov 4, 2018
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If I want to use the sentence in bold instead of this sentence ''I appreaciate your help''. Should I use ''you'' or ''your?''

''I appreaciate you/your helping me''.

If I want to use the sentence in bold instead of this sentence ''I [STRIKE]appreaciate[/STRIKE] appreciate your help''. Should I use ''you'' or ''your?''

''I [STRIKE]appreaciate[/STRIKE] appreciate you/your helping me''.

Note the correct spelling of "appreciate". There is no "a" after the first "e".

Both are common. A purist might tell you that only "your" is correct but I would say that using "you" is so common (probably more common than "your") that no one regards it as wrong.

If I want to use the sentence in bold instead of this sentence ''I appreciate your help''. Should I use ''you'' or ''your?''

''I appreciate you/your helping me''.

Either would be commonly used, but literally, "appreciate you" would focus on the person being appreciated, whereas "appreciate your" would focus on the help.
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