I am working with/on MS Excel spreadsheets.


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2019
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I am working with MS Excel spreadsheets. or I am working on MS Excel spreadsheets.

Which one is correct, either "on" or "with"?
Who are you saying that to, and why are you saying it?
Are you sure you've chosen the right tense? :)
Who are you saying that to, and why are you saying it?
Are you sure you've chosen the right tense?
Context: I mostly create and edit data, use formulas, and format data on MS Excel spreadsheets during my office hours. So, I am unsure whether to tell my friend that I am working with MS Excel spreadsheets or that I am working on MS Excel spreadsheets.
You can use "with" in the sense that you are using them. I'd probably use that.
Use "with" and the present simple tense.
I'd go with 'on', but I'm not bothered by 'with'.

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