[General] How to write a reflect on a personal reaction to the story in well-written paragraph

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May 9, 2017
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I have got a homework from my teacher and it is a bit hard to me because it is new to my brain. We read the story called A taste of Melon and we should write a reflective paragraph about it. I need some help here, I need some examples or forms of doing that kind of paragraphs. I did some research on Internet but I could not find anything helpful.....
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Hello Mustafa, and welcome to the forum. :)

Your teacher should have given you guidelines about how to write a reflective essay. If he/she hasn't, ask them! It is important that you discuss with your own teacher what is expected of you. You should also ask your teacher the word count expected of you.

Reflection is about sitting back and thinking about/contemplating the topic (in this case the story A Taste of Melon). After a brief introduction, you are expected to write about your own thoughts that the story evoked. Talk about whether you liked it, agreed with it, related to it (personal experience), etc. The teacher is trying to gauge your comprehension of what you've read and how well you're able to express your thoughts about it.

After you've submitted your work to your own teacher, you're welcome to post it to this forum, along with the teacher's comments/feedback, and we'll do our best to answer your queries.
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