how to pronounce the word "Anti"?

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Feb 28, 2015
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Sometimes I hear ppl pronouncing the word anti as
1. 'Antee'
2. 'Antie', like the word TIE
What's the difference in between?
There is, I think, a difference between BrE and AmE pronunciation.
Bhaisahab is right. In BrE, it's "antee". Many of my AmE-speaking friends say "an-tie" but I don't know if that's universal to AmE.
I say both, but probably an-tie more often.
Same here, but say it the British way more often. I also say either and neither the British way, but pronounce most words about the same as someone from Chicago. (Canadians generally do -- with the exception of the vowel /au/ before an unvoiced consonant, where we have our own very short, closed version of /au/.) .... That was a lot of 'aside,' sheesh.
I think the more established the word is, the more I would say "tee." Like antifreeze, or antidisestablishmentarianism.
I use "tee" in your first and "tie" in your second.
I've never heard a native BrE speaker use "an-tie".
We say "tee" in AusE.
In AmE, I don't think anybody would even really take notice of which way you pronounce it, since it varies so widely even with the same person.

As other AmE speakers have mentioned, I also alternate between both versions. I don't think I could even express a rule to govern my choices. I'm not sure I'm even consistent with the same word.:-?

Might have something to do with how fast I'm speaking at the moment - 'tee' is faster than 'tie', since I often put a glottal stop before 'tie', and I don't with 'tee'.
We Americans are a quirky bunch.
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