How to find a good topic for research?

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Nov 5, 2011
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I'm going to do a research related to language teaching or leaerning?
I wonder how to search to read the works done and find a new topic?
Would you help me with good websites or anything helpful?

Thanks in advance
There's so much published on every aspect of language teaching and learning, so I would start by zooming in on the areas that really interest you and then moving from that towards a research area. What do you like? For instance, I have little interest in phonetics, so writing about that would not be a good idea for me.
I like doing research on writing (e.g Is grammar necessary for students to improve their writing?).
How to help students improve their writing. This is my first priority for reseach. Because, as a teacher, I see most students have trouble writing even a simple sentence. I also like doing research on teaching English using new technologies. I'll be grateful if you help me.
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