How do you pronounce ""?

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Feb 19, 2016
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Do you pronounce it "using English point com"?
"using English dot com". The full stop/period in a web address is always referred to as "dot" in English.
Out of curiosity, do you read '.com' as 'point com' in Chinese, GoodTaste?
The website name can't be written in Chinese. So you have to read it in English letters, one by one. Read "." as "yi dian" (meaning "one point") in Chinese Pinyin.
Do you pronounce [STRIKE]it[/STRIKE] "using English point com"?
[STRIKE]The above is an example of one extraneous word making a sentence nearly incomprehensible.[/STRIKE]

[EDIT] I misread the sentence. It's fine.
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The above is an example of one extraneous word making a sentence nearly incomprehensible.

I'm not sure what you mean. The original made perfect sense to me. Read together with the title, you get:

How do you pronounce ""? Do you pronounce it "using English point com"?

On its own, "Do you pronounce "using English point com?" is ungrammatical.
YOO-zing EEN-glish dot CAHM.
EEN-glish dot CAHM

Do you really pronounce "English" with a long "ee" at the start?!

I understand that in your variant "com" would sound like "cahm" but wouldn't the same thing apply to "dot", making it "daht"?
Do you really pronounce "English" with a long "ee" at the start?!

I understand that in your variant "com" would sound like "cahm" but wouldn't the same thing apply to "dot", making it "daht"?

I would say:

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