How did everyone cope at the start?

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Jul 15, 2010
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Hello all,

I have taken the plunge and signed up for a CELTA course starting in 2 months.

Having being sent the pre-course task and 2 books to read, nerves are starting to kick in. These stem mainly from grammar rules/word classes. I understand that I am probably not expected to know everything stright away, but I am finding myself having to look up the answer to every question, sometimes taking educated guesses.

I was just wondering if everyone experienced this process, gradually learning as the CELTA course progressed, or are you expected to be knowledgeable of grammar rules/word classes from the start?

Thanks all,
I began my TEFL career forty-three years ago. I am still learning about the language and the ways in which it is used. Even if you 'knew' everything before you started, you would soon discover that you didn't!

If you have been accepted on a CELTA course, then the course providers believe that you are capable of completing your course successfully. You will learn a lot - and un-learn a lot. The most important thing you should learn is that you do not stop learning when you complete the course.

Good luck - and don't worry too much.
Thanks, puts me at ease a bit :up:

Perhaps teaching can be compared to driving, when people say, 'You only start learning after you pass'.
Perhaps teaching can be compared to driving, when people say, 'You only start learning after you pass'.
There's a lot of truth in that.
Also, when you start the classes, you'll be hearing and using these terms on a regular basis- they will become familiar and drop into place.
Hopefully, I have just over 2 months to practice. I'm trying to do a bit every day.

It's harder than I thought it would be, but I'm going to stick with it. Hopefully it will sink in soon.
I was in the same position as you, wondering whether I'd be able to cope with the grammar etc in the months before the start. I'm glad to report that my previous lack of knowledge has not (so far) hindered my enjoying and being successful at the course (I started two weeks ago). I have found the best method is not to panic about learning everything at once, before you start (because you are unlikely to be able to do so) but to concentrate on the particular piece of grammar that your next class is going to be about. You learn a lot whilst doing your lesson preperation, and the tutors are all excellent with helping in parts that you just don't get :)

You probably don't need this info, since you have started, but anyone reading this post in the future, with similar questions, might find my comments useful :)
I was in the same position as you, wondering whether I'd be able to cope with the grammar etc in the months before the start. I'm glad to report that my previous lack of knowledge has not (so far) hindered my enjoying and being successful at the course (I started two weeks ago). I have found the best method is not to panic about learning everything at once, before you start (because you are unlikely to be able to do so) but to concentrate on the particular piece of grammar that your next class is going to be about. You learn a lot whilst doing your lesson preperation, and the tutors are all excellent with helping in parts that you just don't get :)

You probably don't need this info, since you have started, but anyone reading this post in the future, with similar questions, might find my comments useful :)

I haven't actually started the course yet, not long now though, 2 weeks roughly (July 4th).

It's reassuring to know, that even during a CELTA course, you have found time to reply on an internet forum! I imagine hours of sleepless nights trawling through grammar books.

May I ask a bit about the course, specifically lesson plans. Do you get given a topic to teach eg. The past simple. Or is it simply up to you?

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