How could I politely ask a professor to help me?

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Sep 2, 2015
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Hi,everyone, I am a student in university and need to communicate with professor frequently.How could I politely ask a professor to help me?.For example, the text following is my email sent to my professor.Could you please oblige me by correcting it?
Dear professor,

Sorry to bother you again.I sent an email to IT supporters of blackboard yesterday, and they replied that it will take several days to let me in.I am worried I won't have enough time to finish the homework.I wonder whether you might be willing to help sending me HW1 via email?

Thank you very much.

PS:How to express "thanks" properly and politely in the end of email.?
Hi everyone. I am a university student, [STRIKE]in university[/STRIKE] and I need to communicate with my (supervising) professor frequently. How could I politely ask the professor to help me? For example, the [STRIKE]text[/STRIKE] following text is my email sent to [STRIKE]my[/STRIKE] the professor. Could you please oblige me by correcting it?

Dear professor,

[STRIKE]Sorry to bother you again.[/STRIKE] I sent an email to IT support [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] regarding my problem with Blackboard yesterday, and they replied that it will take several days to let me in. I am worried I won't have enough time to finish the homework. [STRIKE]I wonder whether you might be willing to[/STRIKE] Can you please help by sending me HW1 via email?

Thank you very much.

I presume "Blackboard" is some kind of online communication system that your university is using.

PS:How [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] should I express "thanks" properly and politely [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] at the end of an email.?

Just like you did above!
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