[Vocabulary] How can I say in English 'I was running and wan't aware of the surrounding so I hit.

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Jan 11, 2013
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Hello everyone,

I want to say in English what is in bold.

You know that feeling when you are running and concentrating on searching for sth., then you hit one while running. You know that feeling?? I want to express it in a good language.
Hit one? Hit one what?
I always thought English was "a good language" (not that I know any "bad languages" either) ;-)
..................NOT A TEACHER.........................

Hit one? Hit one what?
Here is what I think the OP means:
You have been searching and thinking about a problem for a long time but you can't find the solution for it. Now while you are running, the solution comes to your mind and you are very happy. What do you call the feeling? :-D
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However, that applies no matter what you're doing when the solution comes to you. We definitely don't have a specific word for coming up with the solution whilst out jogging.

However, that applies no matter what you're doing when the solution comes to you. We definitely don't have a specific word for coming up with the solution whilst out jogging.
I am very sorry for that!:-? I didn't read the title. Now I think what saloom means:
You are running and too concentrated in solving a problem. And suddenly, you hit something, maybe a wall, a dog, or someone else. What is the feeling?
You're just being careless or you're not concentrating. The only feeling I can imagine is pain.
You are running and too concentrated in solving a problem. And suddenly, you hit something, maybe a wall, a dog, or someone else. What is the feeling?
I think that the preposition on isn’t appropriate to be used here according to what the context says.

See the difference:
b. To bring into one main body: Authority was concentrated in the president.
concentrating - definition of concentrating by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

2. To direct one's thoughts or attention: We concentrated on the task before us.
concentrating - definition of concentrating by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Am I correct, please?

Thank you.
Anhana got my point exactly!!
First of all, I must thank you all for the precious responses. Then, I will tell the story which will clarify much more, I hope. During a trip to the pyramids, I was lost because the elegant interiors attracted me, and I decided to go deeper.I was so afraid of the dark and the scary mummies that I ran around without concentration and hit my friend Ahmed who was searching for me and lost, too, and both of us fell on the ground.
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You bumped into Ahmed.
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