[Grammar] Houston, we have lifted up

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May 18, 2013
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Good evening everoyne!

I have heard several times a phrase: "Houston, we have lifted up", but I know just a phrasal verb "lift off".

I can give you a video where I have heard this phrase. Maybe I mixed up and the video maker said another phrase instead of "lifted up"

Thanks in advance.
Good evening everoyne!

I have heard several times a phrase: "Houston, we have lifted up", but I know just a phrasal verb "lift off".

I can give you a video where I have heard this phrase. Maybe I mixed up and the video maker said another phrase instead of "lifted up"

Thanks in advance.

The actual statement was/is, "Houston, we have lift off".
Then, if I give you the video where I have heard that phrase, can you tell me: what the author says?
Then, if I give you the video where I have heard that phrase, can you tell me: what the author says?

Please post a link to the video. You've piqued my interest!
Bronze League Heroes - Episode 6 - FineIsFine vs Hyperjig - I REGRET EVERYTHING - YouTube 1:45-2:00 you can hear that phrase

God damn, I am so sorry: the author says "Houston, we have lifted off". It's my fault. Sorry again, I try to improve my listening skills, but how I see now they are awful :oops:

Don't feel too bad. The speaker dropped his volume significantly when he got to the "off" part. I think it was lift-off, not lifted off. Lift-off is a noun in that use.
There is no reason to use "God damn." Reference another recent thread, it may go unnoticed by some, but others find it quite offensive.
I watched the video. I heard no drop in volume. He clearly said "Houston, we have lift-off". Don't feel too bad about it though, nicklexoxo - listening comprehension is pretty hard!
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