[General] highly reflected on my personality

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Dec 22, 2011
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My first employment was with X company. It sure made an impact on my further development for my career path but the biggest effect was on my personality through learning three values.

My first employment was with X company. It sure made an impact on my further development for my career path an this highly reflected on my personality through learning three values.

My first employment was with X company. It sure made an impact on my further development for my career path and learning values had the biggest weight on developing my personality.
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My first employment was with X company. It sure made an impact on the further development of my career, but the biggest effect was on my personality through learning three values.

My suggestion.
What are the "three values"?

How about "influence" rather than "effect"?
I appreciate your editing of my 3 suggestions in post #1
My first job was with X Company. It [STRIKE]sure[/STRIKE] made an impact on my career development, [STRIKE]for my career path[/STRIKE] but the biggest effect was on my personality, by teaching me three values.

My first job was with X Company. It [STRIKE]sure[/STRIKE] made an impact on my career development, and this is reflected in my personality because of three values I learned.

My first job was with X Company. It [STRIKE]sure[/STRIKE] made an impact on my career development, and learning three values has had the biggest impact on my personality.
I don't think personality is the right word. Personalities don't often change. Things that do change include our outlook, attitude, perspective, point of view, and approach. And we gain insights.

All of those would be more accurate than personality.
It had a huge impact on my personal/professional development.
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