Highly Appreciate Vs. Highly Aprreciated

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Jul 7, 2008
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Student or Learner
Dear Teacher: I wrote a note last week, saying:

I highly appreciate to send timely comunication to Mr. Mark Perens, etc....

Question: Highly appreciate, is it right?

I was reading in this website Adverb Highly, then I have a doub

Thank for your answer,

Dear Teacher: I wrote a note last week, saying:

I highly appreciate to send timely comunication to Mr. Mark Perens, etc....

Question: Highly appreciate, is it right?

I was reading in this website Adverb Highly, then I have a doub

Thank for your answer,


I highly appreciate = present

I highly appreciated = past

"Highly appreciate" is very formal and slightly old-fashioned, but quite acceptable.
I highly appreciate to send timely comunication to Mr. Mark Perens, etc....

The underlined phrase should be 'sending'.
You could also say 'appreciate very much'.

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