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Jul 28, 2012
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English Teacher
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Hi! everybody
I'm a teacher of the English language for the children( Primary school)
I want from you some ideas in teaching them .

Welcome to the forum, yasmein. :hi:

We try to help when we can, but that's a very broad question. Could you narrow it down a litle?

Are you interested in how some of us use, for example, drama/music/games/videos/diaries/group work/presentations/etc?
Welcome to the forum, yasmein. :hi:

We try to help when we can, but that's a very broad question. Could you narrow it down a litle?

Are you interested in how some of us use, for example, drama/music/games/videos/diaries/group work/presentations/etc?

First, Thanks mister 5jj for the welcome
secondly, I know this is a very broad question ,and I have some the ideas for example, music/games
but, I wanted the other ideas for example drama/presentations/group work

thank you mister 5jj
thank you so so much for help me
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You're welcome. I'm afraid I have never taught young learners, so I can't be much help. :up:
thanks, mister Tdol / mister 5jj
We appreciate your taking the trouble to thank us, but a click on theLike in the bottom right-hand corner of the post you have found helpful is enough.

Please note that many of the people who respond here are female, so use our usernames, not a courtesy title such as 'Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss'.

In other contexts, when it is appropriate to use such words, we don't write them in full, [STRIKE]Mister[/STRIKE]; we always use the contracted forms, and we always use a capital letter at the beginning: Mr Smith, Ms Jones, Dr Postule.
Please note that many of the people who respond here are female, so use our usernames, not a courtesy title such as 'Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss'.

In other contexts, when it is appropriate to use such words, we don't write them in full, [STRIKE]Mister[/STRIKE]; we always use the contracted forms, and we always use a capital letter at the beginning: Mr Smith, Ms Jones, Dr Postule.

I seem needy learn more :crazyeye:

thanks Mr 5jj
I seem to need[STRIKE]y[/STRIKE] to learn more.

And to take note of what we say. I am 5jj, not Mr 5jj.

I seem to needy to learn more.

Thanks, 5jj.
welcome :-D

I said that I seem to need to learn more.

Before, I begin teach the children.

Thanks, tzfjimino.
I also want to learn
I am new in here. I would like to learn. Really, I am interested.
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