Hi pls help me with some problems concerning applying to american colleges

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May 16, 2020
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hi y'all,i am currently a sophomore in high school in china. UPenn,UCB and NYU-Stern are my dream schools.As an international student,i was hoping to get the answers of questions below:1.what qualities do american colleges look for in an international student?2.is it true that it's super hard to get into an ivy school even with a high SAT and TOEFL score?/for instance,i heard that u need to get 1570+ in SAT to get into good schools like ucla or cornell.3.what abt the interview?4.how to write a great essay,what topic should i choose?Thank u all for ur responses :)
Hi rhymegrace,

Welcome to the forum.

This is an English language forum where questions on English are discussed. Yours are questions about seeking admission to universities in the US, which should go to the appropriate forum.
However, you might like to take note of the following basic tips in your writing:
1. Start a sentence with a capital letter.
2. Capitalize names and "I".
3. Allow a space after a full -stop (period)/comma.
4. Use paragraphs where appropriate.
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5. Don't use "u" or "ur" or something similar to mean "you", "your".
1. A high GPA and several extracurricular activities.
2. Yes, along with a near-perfect GPA, you need a competitive SAT score, which in those colleges is above 1560. Regarding English tests, a 6.5 band in the IELTS exam or a score of 85 in the TOEFL exam will suffice if you want to pursue a technical/IT major.
3. Some colleges will conduct an interview in the final application stages to select the most apt students, but it's less common. In any case, you should consult the website of the college that you are interested in applying to.
4. This is a tough question, since there isn't just one correct answer, or a mandatory layout. Most colleges are looking for creative essays which stand out from generic ones. I've read on multiple sites that inventing a story in which you showcase your skills and explain why you could be a valuable student is generally praised among all the top-tier US colleges.
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If you are currently a student in China, why have you put "Denmark" as your current location? Please amend your member profile.
The various changes of information in the member profile (China, Ecuador, Germany, Dutch etc) are too suspicious to allow this to continue. Thread closed.
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