Helping EFL students pronounce the word "scroll"

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Oct 7, 2015
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English Teacher
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American English
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South Korea
Hello, I am helping my school in a English Play competition in Korea. We are doing a play which has the word 'scroll' many times. My students are Korean. Korean does not have R and L sounds but something in between. The tongue gymnastics required to make the word 'scroll' is very difficult for them to make. I have worked for two months and seen a lot of improvement but it is not perfect. We are in the provincial finals so I want to help them do even better. Any advice for improvement??
Would it be breaking the rules to alter the text?
Tdol- It may be that a part of the competition is in how teams handle difficult (for Asians) English words like scroll.

Eightate8: Try breaking it into parts, practice the parts, and then put them back together again. Often, it's best to start in the middle and work both ways.

Scroll: ssss cuh rrrr oh wul

My Chinese students can growl like a tiger: RRRRR! Start with that. Then the O (that's relatively easy). Then work on transition from r to o: er (stop) oh, again and again. Gradually drop the stop between the two sounds. Then drop the schwa from the er.

Bring in the k and bring back the schwa: kuh (stop) er (stop) ow. Then put the s in front: s-kur-row...

Lalalalala. My students can do that. L is easy(er) at the beginning of a word, but difficult at the end, so add a schwa for practice. If you have them at skur-row, then add l(schwa) at the end. skur-row-luh.

It can be very useful to practice this word in tandem with the following word in the script. My students are always amazed when I tell them that what we say in English is not the same as what we write. If the next word in the script begins with a vowel sound, then have your students take the L off of scroll and put it on the next word: 'scroll up' becomes 'scro lup'- much easier to say!
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