[Essay] Help with William Shakespeare's Macbeth essay

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Apr 16, 2012
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This is the question

By the end of act 4 it is clear that Macbeth has undergone a remarkable transformation : on the hero has become a tyrant who must be unseated for the good of Scotland

The is the question my teacher gave us ^^^

I need some help as in I have been stuck at this since yesterday and I hav no clue about what to write

I need to write a minimum of 1000 words ( that's about 4 a4 pages ) I need about 14 points one point per paragraph

And please don't say do it your slef as I hav a lot of personal problems and I cant really spent too much time on this

And thank you for ur help

Welcome to the forum, Yamileon. :hi:

Sorry. We like to help when we can, but it is forum policy not to help with homework. Your teachers want to see your work, not ours.

If you have questions when your corrected work is handed back, we'll be happy to try to help you.
Welcome to the forum, Yamileon. :hi:

Sorry. We like to help when we can, but it is forum policy not to help with homework. Your teachers want to see your work, not ours.

If you have questions when your corrected work is handed back, we'll be happy to try to help you.

I ant actually asking for some one to to do the whole thing out I just need suggestions on how to start and any important points that I might missed out on I've got it half way done but Iam stuck on the other half now and I understand the that teachers want to see my work but it's a bit of a problem for me to concentrate a 100 percent at this time and it's due on Wednesday
Sorry. We like to help when we can, but it is forum policy not to help with homework. Your teachers want to see your work, not ours.
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