Help with research

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New member
May 3, 2020
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English Teacher
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Great Britain
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I am conducting a study on professional development for English teachers as part of a master's degree in TESOL. I would be ever so grateful if any teachers who have experience teaching online could spare some minutes to complete my questionnaire. It is totally anonymous.
You can complete the questionnaire via this link:
Many thanks in advance!
Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Just a note - some members won't be comfortable clicking on an external link so don't be too disappointed if you don't get as many takers as you might have hoped. Also, please look at the layout of your first post. As you can see, for some reason the lines are broken in the wrong place - the text should stretch all the way across the box. You can fix this by clicking on "Edit Post", editing it so it does that, and then clicking "Save".
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