Help with CELTA pre interview task

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Sep 26, 2011
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Hey guys,

I need a little help with my pre interview task. I have done most of it fine but there a few questions i am stuck on. I know what the answers should be but im struggling to explain why.

My answers are marked a,b,c below the questions

Look at the following learner errors and:

  1. correct them.
  2. identify the pattern in English grammar that the learner is overgeneralizing.
  3. clarify why the pattern does not apply in this case.
I didn’t talked to Angela yesterday.

a. I didn’t talk to Angela yesterday

b. Past participle
c. We dont need to use past participle because we are speaking in the present tense even though we use yesterday

I worked really hardly and we got the contract.

a. I worked really hard and we got the contract
b. ?
c. ?

I have seen the film Titanic ten years ago.

a. I saw the film Titanic ten years ago
b. ?
c ?
Forgot to say thanks in advance for any help!!!!!
You are not going to like this, but we can't help you. The people interviewing want to have an idea of how you can analyse English, not how we can.

The good news is that they don't expect perfection. If you could answer everything brilliantly, you probably wouldn't need to take the course anyway.

They are trying to assess whether you have the potential to get through the course successfully. If you haven't, it is nobody's interest to offer you a place. Be honest with them. If they don't accept you, be grateful - You will have saved yourself four frustrating weeks and a thousand pounds or so.

But that's looking on the negative side. You said that you have done most of the tasks with no problem, so you are probably in with a very good chance.

Good luck.
They did say I was allowed to use reference books and other sources to help with the answers
we are speaking in the present tense even though we use yesterday
Are we?
a. I didn’t talk to Angela yesterday[/FONT][/COLOR]
b. Past participle
c. We dont need to use past participle because we are speaking in the present tense even though we use yesterday

That's not the reason. And it is a past tense sentence.
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