HELP needed. Ideas for a reading lesson about English language facts and figures.

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Feb 21, 2014
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English Teacher
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United States
Hi everyone. Need some help with a 60 minutes reading lesson plan about English Facts and Figures e.g english is spoken by millions of people.

Any ideas on a warm up activity to get students interested in this topic and vocabulary i can pre-teach?

Also some ideas on some reading tasks i could give them would be great.

Struggling to find some ideas at the moment. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Hi everyone. Need some help with a 60 minutes reading lesson plan about English Facts and Figures e.g english is spoken by millions of people.

Any ideas on a warm up activity to get students interested in this topic and vocabulary i can pre-teach?

Also some ideas on some reading tasks i could give them would be great.

Struggling to find some ideas at the moment. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Is this homework?
How long have you been teaching this class? How many people are in the class? What level are they? How good are they at the different types of lesson - ie listening comprehension, reading comprehension, one-to-one conversation, debating etc?

I trust that you are teaching your students to capitalise the word "I" at all times even though you choose to write it incorrectly each time. Please rectify that situation in future posts. If you are an English teacher, learners on this site will read your posts and assume they are correctly written. It is therefore imperative that you ensure that they are.

Also, please ensure that your member profile information is correct. It gives your current location as United States but that does not appear to be the case.
Hi. This class is ongoing for a couple of months. I apologise about the I. Usually the I would automatically capitalise with other programs I use and I completely overlooked it in this post.

Thank you for your suggestions and help. This lesson has now been completed. This post was a last minute attempt for some more ideas.
OK. You still need to check your member profile though.
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