Help - CELTA task !

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Apr 16, 2014
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Hi Everyone,

I'm stuck at this part of my final assignment in the 3rd week of CELTA.

Have to develop some exercises based on the given text:

UAE: 550 litres of water each per day
UAE uses 83 per cent more water than the global average per head of population - around 200,000 litres a year per person
Article in "7 Days in Dubai" website | January 24, 2012 - 6:30am
A water expert has warned the UAE to turn off the taps - or face serious consequences.
The UAE uses 83 per cent more water than the global average per head of population, and about six times more than the UK.
People in the UAE use about 550 litres of water each daily - that’s a whopping 200,750 litres a year. Dr Walid Fayad, an authority on energy and utilities, said excess consumption in the GCC can no longer be ignored. “Water scarcity is a reality in just about every Arab country,” he said. “If they don’t make changes, these countries will find themselves in serious trouble.”
Fayad added that the excess use will lead to severe economic and environmental results, with countries burning fuel and money to desalinate water. “Two-thirds of the potable water used in the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain is desalinated,” he said.
“Governments need to reduce demand for, and increase the supply of, water.” Fayad suggests raising water bills to make the UAE realise there is a problem. He said at the moment residents “have no reason to suspect water is in short supply”.
“There is a lack of awareness, largely because of subsidies that disguise costs and obscure the severity of the situation.” Fayad added: “The only way this will change is if people understand there is a problem and become part of the solution.”
Fayad revealed that only Saudi Arabia is ahead of the UAE in its “alarming” use of water, consuming 91 per cent more per capita than the rest of the world. In his research for Booz&Co, a global management consult*ing firm, which helps the world’s top businesses, gover*nments and organisa*tions, Fayad claimed that large green spaces in the UAE, such as golf courses, give the impression that there is plenty of water, but recycled wastewater should be used for irrigation.
He added: “GCC residents and businesses have disregarded the consequences of their water usage to enjoy benefits more common in countries with ample rain. But with the population increasing in excess of two per cent a year there is a growing recognition within governments that current consumption patterns are unsustainable.”

Paragraph 1: Insert comment justifying using this text for a particular group of learners, with reference to:

a) What learners this text would be suitable for considering: backgrounds, interests, current learning context, occupations, reasons for studying English, etc.
b) What level of learner, e.g. elementary/intermediate, etc., you would use the text/tasks with and why.
c) What methodology book writers, e.g. Harmer, Scrivener etc have said about the practice, development, or importance of reading and speaking or writing in the classroom.
d) Link what these authors say to either the text OR the tasks that you have designed, OR both. (Use appropriate referencing here and include a bibliography at the end).

Paragraph 2: Firstly, design a reading for gist task based on the text. Include this in the appendix. Secondly, explain and elaborate how it practices reading for gist. You must use the following sentence to start your paragraph:

“Task number 1 is a gist reading task because it requires learners to read in such a way that...”

(NB – You must include both the task AND the answers AS YOU WOULD PRESENT THEM TO LEARNERS IN CLASS at the end of this document as an appendix. Clearly number this as “Task Number 1”.)

Paragraph 3 - Option 1: Design a reading for specific information/scanning task based on the text. Ensure that this is sufficiently challenging for the level you have chosen (e.g. sufficient number of questions). Include this in the appendix. Secondly, explain and elaborate how it practices scanning/reading for specific information. You must use the following sentence to start your paragraph:

“Task number 2 is a scanning/reading for specific information task because it requires learners to read in such a way that...”


Paragraph 3 - Option 2: Design a reading for detailed comprehension task based on the text. Ensure that this is sufficiently challenging for the level you have chosen (e.g. sufficient number of questions). Include this in the appendix. Secondly, explain and elaborate how it practices reading for detailed comprehension. You must use the following sentence to start your paragraph:

“Task number 2 is a reading for detailed comprehension task because it requires learners to read in such a way that...”

(NB – You must include both the task AND the answers AS YOU WOULD PRESENT THEM TO LEARNERS IN CLASS at the end of this document as an appendix. Clearly number this as “Task Number 2”.)

Paragraph 4: Firstly, design a reading for detailed comprehension task based on the text. Ensure that this is sufficiently challenging for the level you have chosen (e.g. sufficient number of questions). Include this in the appendix. Secondly, explain and elaborate how it practices reading for detailed comprehension. You must use the following sentence to start your paragraph:

“Task 3 is a reading for detailed comprehension task because it requires learners to read in such a way that...”

(NB – You must include both the task AND the answers AS YOU WOULD PRESENT THEM TO LEARNERS IN CLASS at the end of this document as an appendix. Clearly number this as “Task Number 3”.)

Paragraph 5: Firstly, design and insert a speaking or writing skills task that follows on from the text. Secondly, explain and elaborate HOW it practices either speaking or writing skills. (Ensure that this task is not merely a language practice task, i.e. NOT grammar, lexis, pronunciation, etc.) You must use the following sentence to start your paragraph:

“Task 4 enables learners to practice their (choose one of speaking or writing) because it requires learners to (choose one of speak or write) in such a way that...”

(NB – You must include the task AS YOU WOULD PRESENT IT TO LEARNERS IN CLASS at the end of this document. You do NOT need to provide any answers. Clearly number this as “Task Number 4”.)

Any help would be appreciated !
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