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The most important invention of the last 100 years: television or internet?

Many people consider television to be the most important invention of the XXth century. Owing to it, we are staying informed about what's going on in the world, it enables us to watch the latest films for free and without even leaving our houses, it provides us with a wide variety of entertaining and educational programmes. Television is without any doubt one of the greatest inventions of the XXth century. But is it enough to be named the most important one?

Invented not so long ago, Internet is now joining more than 2 billion people all around the globe and it's audience is growing every day. It has changed our live once and forever. Take for example the news which has transformed from dull reports about events happening around us into topics for vivid discussions. People have acquired an opportunity to speak out and therefore form a public opinion which, as we all know, plays an important role in the development of countries.

Moreover, internet helps us to understand other people better. With the development of social networks such as Facebook, we have obtained an opportunity to make friends with people from all around the world and to stay in contact with them doesn't matter where we are.

What is more, internet has given us an unlimited accsess to knowledge. Foreign languages, art, history, physics, now we are able to learn it all for free just by clicking on an appropriate link. Amazing, isn't it?

But what must be the most important of all, is that Internet makes us free. We can choose what information to acquire and whose opinion to believe. We don't need to Harry back home in order not to miss our favorite TV show, we can just download and watch it whenever and wherever we want. We can even start up a career by sharing a video or an article and waking up famous the next day.

The capacities of Internet are truly unlimited. So, what is the most important invention of the last 100 years?
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