Hello sir, what do you think of the indian culture/indian culture/indian cultures?

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Mar 20, 2023
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Which of the phrases in bold letters should I use in the following question to a foreigner who is on a visit to India?

1- Hello sir, what do you think of the indian culture/indian culture/indian cultures?

Besides, could you please correct my writing, If needed
What do you think of Indian culture?
Thank you. Here is another example:

- It is a/the culture of India that indian men to stay in the same house with their parents even after their marriage.
@thehammer I would use "a custom" or "a tradition" there. (I would rewrite that sentence I other ways too.)
Which of the phrases in bold letters should I use in the following question to a foreigner who is on a visit to India?
Is the sentence correctly written? Is there any grammatical error?

It is a custom in India for Indian men to stay in the same house with their parents even after they get married.


It is a custom in India for Indian men to live with their parents even after they get married.

(Say: "Are there any grammatical errors?")
"in India for Indian men" seems redundant.
It is a custom in India that men to stay in the same house with their parents even after they get married.

Can I use that there?

Here you got me wrong. I mean to say are there any grammatical errors in my questions:

Which of the phrases in bold letters should I use in the following question to a foreigner who is on a visit to India?
I'm not sure, but I guess you mean this:

It's not unusual for Indian men to carry on living with their parents after they get married.
I don't entirely agree. If it's the case that Indian men who live outside India don't tend to follow the same custom, it seems prudent to make that clear.

"In India for men" conveys that meaning. It says nothing about Indians outside of the country. It makes the reasonable assumption that when talking about men in India that they are Indians.
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