[Vocabulary] Hello, please proofread my writing and let me know if you find any error in it

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Mar 22, 2012
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Hi everyone, how are you today? I hope you’re doing fine. This is my first post in UsingEnglish.com. I’m new to this forum and hopefully I can learn how to use it well. The main purpose of this writing is to practice my English writing. Since English is not my native language, definitely I need someone to proofread it.

Why Firewall Engineer?
I’m working as a junior Firewall Engineer in a company somewhere in this world. That’s the mean reason why choose to create this blog as I’ve a lot of stuff to talk about firewall since I’m really passionate about it.


I hope I can improve my English writing to this blog, improve my technical knowledge in firewall, and improve my soft skills in communication with others. I also would like to learn more about time management and how to manage my financial effectively.

Please feel free to comment and advise if there are any grammatical error in this writing and suggestion how to make it better.

Best regards,
Junior FirewallEngineer
Last edited:
Re: Hello World! :)

I'm confused. What does anything.wordpress.com and UsingEnglish.com have to do with each other?
Re: Hello World! :)

I'm confused. What does anything.wordpress.com and UsingEnglish.com have to do with each other?

Hi Bob, thanks for the prompt reply. Please accept my apology if the write up above made you confuse. Therefore, I’ve removed the wordpress item on my first above. Can you please proof read whatever that I write here so I can identify my weaknesses in English and improve it in the future.

I’ve setup my own blog at wordpress so I can write and share my experience with others. But the problem with wordpress is nobody will proofread my writing. But in here, I believe hundreds of people if not thousands will be able to help me.
Why Firewall Engineer?
I’m working as a junior Firewall Engineer in a company somewhere in this world. That’s the [STRIKE]mean[/STRIKE] main reason why I choose to create this blog, as I’ve a lot of firewall stuff to talk about [STRIKE]firewall[/STRIKE], since I’m really passionate about it.

[STRIKE]Hope[/STRIKE] Purpose
I hope I can improve my English by writing to this blog, improve my technical knowledge in firewall administration, and improve my soft skills in communication with others. I also would like to learn more about time management and how to manage my [STRIKE]financial[/STRIKE] finances effectively.

Please feel free to comment and advise if there are any grammatical errors in this writing and [STRIKE]suggestion[/STRIKE] to suggest how to make it better.

Best regards,
Junior Firewall <space> Engineer

[AmE - not a teacher]

In the US, we don't talk about "firewall", we talk about "firewall security/settings/admin/setup/etc", or a specific firewall, or set of firewalls.

Also, "somewhere in this world" sounds strange. Every company is somewhere in this world.

Good luck!
Thanks Bob for your time and the correction. I’ll take note on each mistake that I made earlier and will not repeat it in the future. Besides the grammar error that I always have, I also have a problem to write longer due to lacking of idea. I’ll think about this introduction again, make it better and re-post it again here so someone else can check.

“somewhere in the world” as I don’t want to disclose the real location. Are there any better sentences for this? Oh yeah, to be specific, I’m focusing in Cisco Firewall. I’ll talk more about this as I’m creating a simple note/documentation for myself and I’ll share it here.

Again, thanks a lot for your time. Have a nice day Bob.
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