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Feb 16, 2014
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Topic: Some families have an only child; others choose to have two,three or even more children.

Nowadays, more and ore families prefer to have an only child. However, there are families that are fond of having two or three children. In my personal opinion, having two or three children is better.

Let me introduce my opinion on the question under discuss.
First of all, I think that child who have a brother or a sister will never be bored and lonely, because he or she have someone to talk and to play. Moreover this kind of children have someone th share feelings and secrets.
Secondly, if children with siblings get into trouble, they always have someone to help. At least their brothers or sisters can give an advice.
Thirdly, children in big families grow up genereous,kind, helpful and hard-working. Because when you live in a big family, you have to help and share things with each other.

However, there are some people who claim that it is good to have just one child.
Firstly, nobody bother this children during their educational process and they have more privacy. Neweheless this chis children bacome greedy and haughty in the future.
In addition, parents give all thir love and end energy to their only child, but responsible and orgonuzed parents can take care for all their children.

In conclusion, I would like to add that two point of view had been concedered. Bt I think that is much better to have a lot of children in the family.
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