[Grammar] Hello, Can someone check my grammar please

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May 24, 2011
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Hello everyone I am new here and I wanted to learn to write properly so I've decided to blog about my life. However I just don't want to post it online as it's embarrassing to post a badly written piece. Can you please check it for me and add any comments about it. Please don't laugh.

Thank you in advance.

Yes I have, 2 years ago for almost a year!!! Y’all read it right 1 long shitty year. Who? I heard you asked? Well let’s keep it anonymous for now :D. What happened was, after a 3 years relationship everything just went to trash as long distance relationship doesn’t work especially if you’re 6679 miles apart.

We were kind of a long distance relationship anyways before she went abroad to study. But then, we often see each other every couple of months and we were able to talk over the phone every day. But since she left, everything has changed. We don’t talk as much as we used to, it’s impossible for us to see each other because of the distance then after a few months everything fell apart. Our first break up was mutual and then we realised that we kind of still have feelings for each other so we’ve decided to give it another shot. The second break up was the worst. It ruined and tore me into pieces but I’m not going into detail as it’ll take forever.

After that I played a lot and hurt so many feelings. I don’t treat girls with respect and I always make them believe that they’re so special but deep inside me they’re only part of the game. Its evil I know but I’ve lost faith in trusting a relationship because of what happened between us. I made a promise that sooner or later she’ll regret the moment she said I love you no more but everything has changed.

I’ve realised that life goes on and playing wouldn’t bring her back. There is no point in hating someone you used to love as it is part of a relationship. I just told myself that everything happen for a reason and it’s not her fault to love me less as I’d probably did the same thing sooner or later in our relationship.
I think it sounds fine - when you write informally like this I think there is more latitude than if you are writing for instance, a formal paper. There are no embarrassing grammatical errors in your post.
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