Have in the passive voice

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Sped Tiger

Junior Member
Mar 1, 2023
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I have accidentally leant from one moustached man that, actually, the verb to have can be used in the passive voice in some circumstances, but, unfortunately, that was all he said to me, and now, I'm really wondering if that is true and what those circumstances are, so could you help me sort it out?
I have accidentally leant from one moustached man
What do you mean by "accidentally learnt" and what does his moustache have to do with it?

I'm really wondering if that is true and what those circumstances are, so could you help me sort it out?
It's possible I suppose but very uncommon.
I have accidentally leant from one moustached man
If you mean 5jj, say 5jj. The use of 'moustached', apart from being irrelevant to your question, is not natural. We would normally say a man with a moustache. Actually, when someone has a full beard and moustache, we normally mention only the beard.
that, actually, the verb to have can be used in the passive voice in some circumstances, but, unfortunately, that was all he said to me,
No. You raised the question in a thread about another topic, and I told you to ask it in a new thread. You have now done this
and now, I'm really wondering if that is true
I am not a liar, if that's what you want to know.
That's one option. I'm trying to think of a sentence where the normal "have" in the passive might work. I have a feeling it's possible but it'd be an unusual context of course.
If you mean 5jj, say 5jj. The use of 'moustached', apart from being irrelevant to your question, is not natural. We would normally say a man with a moustache. Actually, when someone has a full beard and moustache, we normally mention only the beard.

No. You raised the question in a thread about another topic, and I told you to ask it in a new thread. You have now done this

I am not a liar, if that's what you want to know.
No, what I really would like you to do is show some real examples where to have would naturally be used in the passive voice. I would be really greatful to you.
teechar has linked you in post #4 to some examples.
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