[General] Have a look, my words don't bite - they'll rather scoff your mind at night

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Jul 25, 2016
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Hello there!

I must apologize for this title of no sense as I couldn't come up with anything suitable ;-) The things is that I'm trying to write a story for my game now and I seek someone with a touch of patience and a little amount of time to have a look on it.

I'l start off with the fact that english is not my native language and this is actually the first thing I've ever written or am writing in english myself (excluding homework for english lessons). I'd appreciate some corrections regarding my grammar and suggestions/opinions on the writing and story itself.

Thanks in advance! ^..^

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this but it would be more convenient for me and more enjoyable to your eyes when I'd just link the google doc here for you:


P.S.: "Scriptum" is the actual title of the game. It refers to the fact that the protagonist is a writer herself.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not going to click on a link to get to the document. Not only am I not comfortable clicking on external links but it also makes it really difficult for us to include a quote, with corrections, in our responses.
You can post your story here for us to look at - however, please note that really long posts don't usually attract much help as they take up too much time. Post one paragraph in a new thread, wait for responses and then post the next paragraph in a new thread.
I completely understand your concerns, emsr2d2. There is absolutely no reason to trust a link leading to a server of one of the most influential company in the world (over an encrypted https connection btw) that could easily afford to let someone infect their data as it is such an easy thing to accomplish. It's not that we would use it everyday anyway, right? :lol:
If someone didn't get the irony, I applaud from the bottom of my heart :'D

Back to the topic, I get your point on quotes and corrections. I will, as you suggested, create a new thread for each paragraph as soon as I get home tonight.
Thank you for replying! And please don't take my humor seriously. I like your wary attitude to be honest :)
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