guys would have it's advantages

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Mike Hussey

May 12, 2020
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Queenan has a undercover cop with Frank Costello's business dealing with Chinamen:

Ellerby: You know, direct contact with your guys would have it's advantages.
Queenan: Not to my guy.

What does "it" refer to?

Source: "The Departed" (a 2006 American crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by William Monahan)
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That should be its advantages.

It refers to direct contact.

Again, please note that I have amended your source.
Also, the term used for Chinese people is not regarded as acceptable usage nowadays.
They use the term Chinamen in the film, regardless of who finds it acceptable.
They use the term Chinamen in the film, regardless of who finds it acceptable.
Yup. So including it in a quote it would be fine. In summary narrative, Mike could say something like Chinese gangters.
I was merely warning that using it outside the quotation might be problematic.
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