Guidance needed

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Jun 25, 2012
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We are Indians. My wife is a Post graduate in English (MA) from an Indian University. Right now we are in Oman, a middle east country. My wife has five years of experience in teaching English for baccalaureate students.

Now she wants to apply for colleges/Universities in Oman for English Language teacher job. She has no any certification like CELTA/TESOL/TEFL. We came to know that having any such certificate is preferred and gives edge.

She wants to pursue either CELTA/TESOL and acquire the same by September 1st 2012, through ONLINE. (As we have no plans move out of Oman in this year)

I request you to suggest :

1. A course which improves her prospects with number of hours she should opt for.
2. An institute which is reliable and provides ONLINE programme.
3. I request you to suggest keeping in mind the course fee also.

Thanking you,

Welcome to the forum, kaiparaghu. :hi:

You'll find information about schools offering online courses here.
It's just worth pointing out that an online CELTA isn't entirely online. You still have to go into a training centre and be observed in 6 hours of teaching practice. And to be honest, any course where you don't have to do this won't be taken seriously. But just looking at that site, there are 4 centres in Oman that offer the CELTA and 1 that does it online.
Although the online CELTA is a as valid as the traditional CELTA, I do not recommend it to prospective teachers. I feel that trainees on the traditional centre-based course gain a great deal from four weeks of close personal contact and discussion with fellow trainees. I must stress that this is only my personal opinion.
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