grew by more than four times as much as

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Feb 5, 2022
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In states such as New York, Illinois, Michigan and Rhode Island, Asian population growth outpaced overall population growth.
In Michigan, the Asian population grew by more than four times as much as the state’s overall population.


Hello. Is it correct to rephrase the bolded part by "grew four times faster than"?
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Your version is grammatically correct but somewhat different in meaning. The original describes the rate at which growth has been occurring , while yours tells how much growth has occurred so far.
Your version is grammatically correct but somewhat different in meaning. The original describes the rate at which growth has been occurring , while yours tells how much growth has occurred so far.
Sorry what's the difference?
As I said above, the original tells how fast, while yours tells how much.
Let's say the number was: 100 whites, and 10 Asians. 20 years ahead, now it's 105 whites, while 30 Asians. I thought that was what mine and the article's versions were about? Am I wrong?
Are you wrong about what? You asked whether you could replace part of the text you quoted with something else. The short answer is no, you can not.
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The original is about population increase which is measured in numbers. The rate of population growth is something else. "Rate of growth" is generally defined as increase in amount (number)/time, for example, 10,000 (people) per year.
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Your version is grammatically correct but somewhat different in meaning. The original describes the rate at which growth has been occurring , while yours tells how much growth has occurred so far.
As I said above, the original tells how fast, while yours tells how much.
I see the point now but you seem to have mixed up the two versions -- mine is about rate while the original about quantity. (unless I'm missing somethign)
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