Going over seas to teach English

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May 9, 2012
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Hey guys, I was just wondering if anybody could recommend an organisation that 'supplies' teachers for learning English in another country.

I've just started my 2nd year at University, and one of my teachers made a recommendation that I take the opportunity to do this if it should ever arise. (Because I'd commented on wanting to go over seas to be a teacher in general)

I'm not really sure who you would do it through to go somewhere in Asia?

I'd greatly appreciate it if somebody could share their experience or organisation they did it through to help me in my research.



I've been living and teaching in China for about 30 months now. There are some good opportunities to be found in China, but you really have to approach coming here with your eyes open.

"I was just wondering if anybody could recommend an organisation that 'supplies' teachers for learning English in another country."

Beware of recruiters who supply teachers for a fee. No doubt there are some honest recruiters, but most of the horror stories I've heard are from people who have been recruited by unscrupulous agents and end up in some pretty desperate situations in terms of housing and work conditions.

Wherever possible, deal directly with the school which will pay your salary. Ironically, the staff and owners of many English schools don't speak English. This is one reason recruiters flourish. Always ask to talk to a teacher currently working at the school.

I like working in China, and I wouldn't discourage anyone from coming here, but you've got to do your homework. I recommend that you visit a forum that deals with helping teachers to avoid the pitfalls of working in China. Spend some time reading FAQ's and archived posts on this site, and you'll be better prepared to assess job postings.

This is a free membership site that is run by an experienced teacher working and living in China. They do not accept job postings from known recruiters. These are the good guys.

Raoul's China Saloon (V3.0) - Index

Many jobs here require an undergraduate degree or better, but, generally speaking, there's a position for everyone. Demand tends to outstrip supply, so concessions can be made. Have nothing to do, however, with anyone who will not obtain a proper work permit for you.

Do your homework!

Thanks mate. You've given me a lot to consider.

This is a free membership site that is run by an experienced teacher working and living in China. They do not accept job postings from known recruiters. These are the good guys.

Raoul's China Saloon (V3.0) - Index
Having worked in China, I agree with most of what iannou said.

I am now going to be a little pedantic. I have no reason to doubt the site iannou has provided a link to, but I must make it absolutely clear that the appearance of the link in this forum does not mean that UsingEnglish.com endorses or recommends the site.
Having worked in China, I agree with most of what iannou said.

I am now going to be a little pedantic. I have no reason to doubt the site iannou has provided a link to, but I must make it absolutely clear that the appearance of the link in this forum does not mean that UsingEnglish.com endorses or recommends the site.

Cheers, and yes, I gathered that. I only intend to use it as a reference of sorts.
Having worked in China, I agree with most of what iannou said.

I am now going to be a little pedantic. I have no reason to doubt the site iannou has provided a link to, but I must make it absolutely clear that the appearance of the link in this forum does not mean that UsingEnglish.com endorses or recommends the site.

5jj, I'll go a little further and say that Raoul's Saloon has gone through some difficult, fractious times since I used to frequent the forums. It's still the best source of advice for prospective teachers considering China as work destination that I'm aware of, however.

It's a pity there are so many ruthless profiteers in the teacher recruiting racket. The majority of Chinese people I have met are warm, friendly and generous.
No doubt there are some honest recruiters, but most of the horror stories I've heard are from people who have been recruited by unscrupulous agents and end up in some pretty desperate situations in terms of housing and work conditions.

One reason why it's always essential to have your fare out of a place. If you don't you're dependent on them. If you can get out, you're much harder to exploit.

Researching places carefully helps reduce the need to do a midnight runner, though.
Re: Going over seas to teach English( Try Korea!)

Indeed, there are "tones" of recruiters out there. Is the poster one of them? If so, does UE have a policy for handling recruiters?

I personally am treating this submission by a new poster as highly suspicious. My suspicion is that the individual is a recruiter and that this post is a thinly disguised advertisement for his services.

[I have deleted the post iannou is referring to. - 5jj]

Full disclosure: I am strongly biased against recruiters. Their trade is totally unregulated for the most part, and known to attract many highly unscrupulous people. Many have been known to make false claims about work conditions in order to get teachers to commit to contracts. They often work in cities hundreds or thousands of kilometers from the client schools they recruit for. Recruiters are paid by prospective employers, and their responsibility, loyalty is firstly to them. They get paid to get signatures on contracts.

Wherever possible, deal directly with employers when seeking a job abroad. Ask to speak with a current or past foreign teacher who has worked for them. Ask for photos of classrooms and accommodations.
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Hong Kong's Native English Teacher programme pays 50% higher than any other location in Asia, and Hong Kong is a lovely place to live. I was there 4 years.
How you guys think about Vietnam?
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