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Oct 6, 2010
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English Teacher
I have constructed a survey which is going to help me do the research in the field of Global English. I need your responds - especially native speakers' responds. Please fill in the survey:
I tried doing this but I couldn't submit. It told me answers to some questions were obligatory and I couldn't come up with any. (Mostly because I didn't understand a question or didn't have any opinion.)

Question 11 was especially difficult to me. I never thought any language belonged to anybody. I had no idea what to choose.
As a native speaker who hasn't taught in Poland I couldn't answer it- it's far too focused on your country for me to be able to complete it. It's not really a Global English questionnaire.

And if I could make a suggestion- it's very long and people will quit. I got to about question 20 and then gave up because my answers were making less and less sense because of the Polish focus, but I think few will go to the end of something that long anyway.
Well, I got to the end, but I was born stubborn. I agree with the preceding comments.
I did one of these before, but I never know whether to press the "Dalej" button or the "Anuluj" button at the end of the page. So, this could be a waste of time if one of them means "delete responses".
I hope this is a pilot study.
I did one of these before, but I never know whether to press the "Dalej" button or the "Anuluj" button at the end of the page. So, this could be a waste of time if one of them means "delete responses".
I hope this is a pilot study.
The "Anuluj" button is the cancel button.
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