Friend of Tom's.

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Feb 4, 2014
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"She is the wife of Tom's."

"She is the sister of Tom's."

"She is the mother of Tom's."

"She is the cousin of Tom's" or "her name is Bella, who is the cousine of Tom's."

"She is the friend of Tom's."
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They're all incorrect.

She is Tom's wife. :tick:
She is the wife of Tom. :tick: but unnatural.

The same goes for all the other sentences.
You haven't asked a question, but they are all wrong.

There's no e in cousin.

(Cross-posted with ems.)
They're all incorrect.

She is Tom's wife. :tick:
She is the wife of Tom. :tick: but unnatural.

The same goes for all the other sentences.

"She is the wife of Tom."

"She is the sister of Tom."

"She is the mother of Tom."

"She is the cousin of Tom" or "her name is Bella, who is the cousin of Tom."

"She is the friend of Tom."

Are these correct?
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"She is the wife of Tom."

"She is the sister of Tom."

"She is the mother of Tom."

"She is the cousin of Tom" or "Her name is Bella; [STRIKE]who[/STRIKE] she is the [STRIKE]cousine[/STRIKE] cousin of Tom."

"She is the friend of Tom."

Are these correct?

See above. They're all grammatically correct but very unnatural. As indicated previously, the natural way of saying these is:

She is Tom's sister.
She is Tom's mother.
She is Tom's cousin.
Her name is Bella and she's Tom's cousin.
She is Tom's friend.
See above. They're all grammatically correct but very unnatural. As indicated previously, the natural way of saying these is:

She is Tom's sister.
She is Tom's mother.
She is Tom's cousin.
Her name is Bella and she's Tom's cousin.
She is Tom's friend.

She is the friend of Tom's is unnatural but we say "she is a friend of Your's/mine or Tom's", right?
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She is the friend of Tom's is unnatural but we say "She is a friend of yours/mine or Tom's", right?
Yes, but there is no apostrophe in yours.
And it isn't capitalized.

"She is a friend of yours".

Could you please tell me what is the reason behind it? I mean just an "a" changes the whole thing. This rule is just for "friend" and "enemy". Am I correct?
A(n) ... of mine.
old boyfriend
former boss
sorority sister
bowling buddy

Please research the topic "double genitive."
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